Why now is the time to ADAPT, not PIVOT.

In the midst of the COVID-19 panic, every business owner is frantically trying to figure out how to pivot their business to survive the next few months. I can’t tell you how many drastic ideas I’ve heard over the past 6 weeks. But I’m here to tell you to take a deep breath. Take a moment to think back to what your business goals were before all this insanity hit us, and consider whether it’s time to implement something from your future plans instead.

For example, my client, let’s call her Sierra. She owns a beautiful brick and mortar store in one of the busiest areas of downtown. It had been on her to-do list to open an online store for quite some time but she has been lacking the time and resources to do so. Now is an excellent time to refocus her efforts to creating her online store, applying for business adaptation funding, and repurpose her staffs time to data input instead of laying them off.

You don’t need to go in a completely different direction in order to survive, you just need to hold strong and stay the course. And there is no one-size-fits-all solution for your business. In some cases it may be most helpful to close your doors and sit tight for the time being.

Now is an excellent time to do some much needed renovations at you’ve saved for. Take an online course by yourself or at a distance over Zoom with your staff! Concentrate on growth and improvement instead of trying to reinvent the wheel.

And if you’re still not sure what you should do next, reach out to an expert! There’s no shortage of capable consultants out there who are eager to help you take the next steps to Level Up (pun intended).


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